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【科研成果】Industrial Agglomeration, FDI, and Carbon Emissions: New Evidence from China’s Service Industry

2024年11月04日 09:48  点击:[]

Abstract: In the context of economic servitization and low carbonization, the problem of carbon emissions in the service industry is worthy of attention. An essential channel for restraining carbon emissions from the service industry is industrial agglomeration. Based on provincial panel data from 2004 to 2021 in China, this study empirically analyzes the influence of the service industry’s agglomeration on its CO2 emissions. The findings indicate that agglomeration significantly reduces the industry’s carbon emissions. Next, producer services agglomeration has a significant carbon-reduction effect, whereas non-producer services agglomeration does not. Moreover, service industry agglomeration helps to restrain carbon emissions from the service industry in East China. However, it does not significantly affect carbon emissions in Central or West China. Regarding the moderating effect, foreign direct investment can enhance service industry agglomeration’s carbon-reduction effect. Based on the results, relevant policy implications are provided.


该成果以Industrial Agglomeration, FDI, and Carbon Emissions: New Evidence from China’s Service Industry”为题,2023年12月刊发于《ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH》杂志(中科院SCI三区)。

上一条:【科研成果】How do firms react to capital market liberalization? Evidence from ESG reporting greenwashing 下一条:【学院巡礼】8858cc永利官网(法学院):积极探索新商科应用型人才培养模式


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