Quantitative Micro Software
2009年永利官网实验室引进美国QUANTITATIVE MICRO SOFTWARE 公司开发的计量经济统计学教学软件(EViews)。

  A developer of statistical software for over twenty-five years, QMS is a worldwide leader in Windows-based econometric and forecasting software. QMS software solutions provide academic researchers, corporations, government agencies, and students with an easy-to-use object-oriented interface to powerful statistical, forecasting and modeling tools.

  The first QMS product, the popular MicroTSP software, was one of the first forecasting and analytical packages available for the personal computer. MicroTSP was replaced by the Windows-based EViews in 1994.

  2009年永利官网实验室引进美国QUANTITATIVE MICRO SOFTWARE 公司开发的计量经济统计学教学软件(EViews)。 

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